
Showing posts from April, 2021

Traditional Girl Painting As A Mural To Your Home

  What can be a more exquisite subject than a woman for a painting? Art forms are all about the niceties of human lives. There is no denying that the feminine human form is the most captivating creation of nature. They are the makers of new lives and the nurturers, who are synonymous with unconditional tenderness. No wonder, women from different ages under varied circumstances pose to be one of the most admired subjects in the world of artistry.   From the bronze sculpture of the dancing woman of Harappan civilization, very few things can pose a refined form of traditional painting in India , additionally, women are given dignity. They are considered as depictions of female deities. They are often painted and represented in other art forms as a goddess.  Thus, nothing can be more alluring than a painting of a traditional woman in traditional art forms on your walls as a decorative item. Indian clothes for the girls alone give a plethora of colors that come out vividl...