3 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Home Space with Decorative Wall Mirrors

 Since the beginning of human civilization, mirrors have been part and partial of our lives. In the very early days, they were used only for having one’s own reflection before moving out of home. With time, several advancements have taken place in the glass industry and mirrors have started being used for both getting ready and decorating home. In today’s world, mirrors are an integral part of interior design in residential and commercial sectors as well. The right placement of wall mirrors can help you make a space look bigger. Here are the methods to install mirrors for space maximization in your home:

1. Make a mirror wall

Rooms with no windows make you feel that your room is too small to live. Mirrors can help you have the feel of an additional space in your bedroom or living room. For making the room look spacious virtually, you can place a mirror piece on the wall opposite to your hallway or the space you want to get reflected on it. After the right placement, you can have aesthetic pleasure.

2. Place a few mirror pieces close to doors and windows 

Are your interiors small and dark? If yes, mirrors can help you here. Place one of the best decorative wall mirrors close to your window or door to let the natural light reflection come in. such a reflection will help you lower your electric bills and fill your room with positive energy. Your home will be brighter and you will feel the difference after the mirror installation.  

3. Put a framed mirror piece over the fireplace 

Typically, a fireplace in the epic centre of a room you live in. You can place a framed mirror to create the reflection of the in front of it. The reflection will create a space illusion that can make your room bigger and spacious virtually. In the warm season, you don’t use the fireplace. So, you can focus more on installing a highly decorative mirror piece over the mantle. With it, you can get the reflection of the door piece, along with the surface. 


Wooden wall mirrors are a critical tool when it comes to maximizing the space in a room. With proper selection and installation, you can easily get what you want to attain in space maximization in your home.


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